Top 5 People to Follow on Twitter August 2014

August Top 5!

1) Karen Gillan (@KarenGillan2) Actress, recently in Guardians of the Galaxy and Oculus

2) Shane Jeremy James (@shanejjames) Marketing Master and TV Personality

3) Kourtland Wissler (@KourtlandW) College Student, Stock Trader

4) Adam Wingard (@AdamWingard) Filmmaker. ‘VHS’, ‘You’re Next’…

5) Zack Snyder (@ZackSnyder) Director ‘300’, “Man of Steel’…




Top 5 People to Follow on Twitter July 2014

With the opportunity to make endless professional connections and learn from successful individuals by reading the information they provide we give ourselves the opportunity to retain valuable insights.  These are my Top 5 people to follow on Twitter for June 2014. Some of these profiles are well known, and some of these profiles fly under the radar. Follow them on Twitter to give your Twitter feed a free boost of successful insight…

1) Tim Ferriss (@tferriss) Author of three New York Times Bestsellers.

2) Derek Halpern (@derekhalpern) Founder of Social Triggers.

3) Elin Wolley (@Wolleydig) Writer and Web Master.

4) E.J. Scott (@ejscott) Completed 12 marathons in 12 states blindfolded.

5) Olivia Millerschin (@OMillerschin) Lead Singer of Livy, Matt, & Sammy, currently on America’s Got Talent.



Top 5 People to Follow on Twitter June 2014

With the opportunity to make endless professional connections and learn from successful individuals by reading the information they provide we give ourselves the opportunity to retain valuable insights.  These are my Top 5 people to follow on Twitter for June 2014. Some of these profiles are well known, and some of these profiles fly under the radar. Follow them on Twitter to give your Twitter feed a free boost of successful insight…

1) Ramit Sethi (@ramit) Author of the New York Times bestseller, I Will Teach You To Be Rich.

2) Jeet Banerjee (@TheJeetBanerjee) Serial entrepreneur, TEDx speaker & best-selling author.

3) Alyson Shontell (@ajs)  Business Insider Senior Correspondent.

4) Karl Gusner (@kgesus) CTO & co-founder of Good Audience, Software Engineer, Entrepreneur.

5) Christian Yang (@cyang08) Co-founder ReelSurfer, Microsoft and Google alum, Stanford ’08.

Top 5 People to Follow on Twitter May 2014

As I have mentioned before Twitter can be the most effective way to receive information of interest to you from other successful individuals from all walks of life. With the opportunity to make endless professional connections and learn from successful individuals by reading the information they provide we give ourselves the opportunity to retain valuable insights.  These are my Top 5 people to follow on Twitter for May 2014. Some of these profiles are well known, and some of these profiles fly under the radar somehow. Follow them on Twitter to give your Twitter feed a free boost of successful insight…

1.) Dave Kerpen (@DaveKerpen) CEO, New York Times Bestselling Author

2.) Daniel Sumarna (@danielsumarna) Art Director at Droga 5

3.) Cynthia Johnson (@CynthiaLive) Director of Social Media at RankLab Interactive

4.) Scott DeLong (@scottintheworld) Creator of

5.) Stephanie Be (@travelbreaklife) Writer, Entrepreneur

Top 5 Online Resources for Personal Growth and Development

Generally Speaking, as an entrepreneur time is a valuable commodity that one simply cannot afford to waste. One of the key aspects of living an entrepreneurial lifestyle is constantly trying to find helpful resources for personal growth and development. Below I have compiled a list of online resources that have inspired me a great deal to research, develop, and expand my own professional life. I genuinely would like to see anyone gain as much possible benefit from these 5 resources as I have.

1.) IWTYTBR (I Will Teach you to Be Rich) Personal Finance Blog

Since finding out about Ramit Sethi and his highly beneficial personal finance growth strategies as well as his other areas of expertise I now find it strangely exciting to read about financial development strategies. Ramit has the unique ability to make seemingly boring topics come to life by understanding his audience and somehow has managed to inspire me to enjoy personal finance development. Dive into his world and see what it does to you, for me personally his material has jump started my drive for personal success like a defibrillator

2.) Fidelity Investments

From the millenials I have spoken with about how they feel about the stock market, the general consensus is that many haven’t the slightest clue on how to invest or what kind of affordable investment channels and resources are available to them. Fidelity Investments is a straightforward, user friendly way into the stock market for younger people. Easy to set up an account. Easy to start investing. Not intimidating once you get started. Although I do not advise investing unless you have what you already need for up to six months of regular expenses set aside in a savings account.

3.) Twitter

Yes Twitter did make this list. The super fast paced social media outlet allows you to customize and quickly connect with current news, celebrities, and everything else. Staying up to date on current events has never been so convenient. I also find the twitter update atmosphere slightly more positive than that of Facebook (depending on your friends) but I see more proactive information streaming down my twitter feed although LinkedIn is unmatched in this regard. Twitter is my top pick for customizing online profiles you want to follow and staying engaged via information overload.

4.) 60-Day MBA

Student loan debt is simply crushing our society and there has always been a way around it for those with that entrepreneurial spirit. Working for yourself can be an intimidating undertaking but with the right tools and step by step development you can make more money by becoming your own boss than at a 9 to 5 and the best part is you get to choose what you do to earn a living. 60-Day MBA is a sixty day course that lets your work one-on-one with successful professionals out of silicon valley. The course provides you with the answers you need to work for yourself and leave your financial worries behind. Becoming an entrepreneur, living the American dream, and gaining valuable hands on experience is the new college degree.

5.) Your very own online, profiles and websites!

What can possibly be more important for an online personal growth and development resource list than your own digital footprint?! Nothing! The image you present to other people on the internet can be a valuable asset and create long term professional connections. Sometimes reading a person’s LinkedIn profile can encourage you to reach out to that person on a professional level. The way you express and present yourself online is the ultimate way to let the world see through a window of what you want them to see of who you are. The easiest way to meet people you would NEVER meet otherwise. We live in a generation where every opportunity imaginable is only a mouse click away.

Don’t Misuse your Motivation in a World of Endless Opportunity

In my opinion there has truly never been a better time to exist on this planet than present day. The opportunities created with our current technology and the ability for anyone with a phone, tablet, or computer to learn any specialized skill with a single click or finger push.   

The problem of the current generation has never been lack of opportunity, the problem has only ever been wasted energy. With more opportunities than ever before we also now face more ways to misuse our motivation and misguide our own potential.

As individuals I believe there is a level of intuition present in each of us that tells us if we have talent in a particular field. For instance, if you have a propensity for public speaking you already know you would have an advantage as a politician. If you are very visually inclined your talents could be used effectively behind a camera lens or directing a film. Why is it that so many of us either ignore or fail to listen to that natural intuition? To me its not about “do what you love.” Its more about do what you’re good at, learn everything about what you are good at, and you WILL love what you are good at because you’re good at it. The key thing to remember is you are likely good at multiple things. Not just one thing.

A complete misuse of motivation strikes me as someone deliberately trying to work towards a career that does not appeal to them, and that they are intimidated by during the learning process. If you are intimidated by what you are learning, that is your intuition telling you that it isn’t right. If you enjoy learning about something, keep at it. 

A failure to listen to your intuition also creates a willingness to take shortcuts. A shortcut can be a person giving up while they are working in a field that does not fit with their natural propensity and trying to make quick money with no thought process or strategy. This commonly leads to failure. Say a person wasn’t making enough money so they set up an account on a website like and they had no selling ability whatsoever. They saw an easy way to make money but failed to think through that there was no value in it for them because they do not possess the ability to sell “sand in a desert.” Then they have wasted valuable time on something irrelevant to them and are left demotivated.

Instead of wasting time pushing a boulder uphill, make a list of ten tings that come naturally to you and then come up with a list of ten ways to make money for each item on the list. Then narrow down to ten, then down three. Now pick your favorite. There you go, now start up a side business, read everything you can, learn everything you can and watch your level of contentment grow as you earn money.

Don’t waste your time. Figure out what you are good at now and make a living with your existing talents.

Crowdfunding Mixed with Social Networking!

In case you haven’t heard, crowdfunding websites have seen a huge increase in popularity over the years thanks to websites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and my favorite which is dedicated exclusively to non-profits, Crowdrise.

Crowdrise offers a fun and simple approach to raise money for your favorite causes. Non-profit organizations can sign up and create profiles. Individuals can start and manage their own campaigns to increase awareness and create additional funding for any of these non-profits. You are also able to join in on causes created by others including celebrity causes. By using social media and your own personal network you can start to raise money for your favorite causes by encouraging others to donate.

I use crowdfunding websites to raise money for organizations like the Muscular Dystrophy Association and Parkinson’s Disease Foundation. It is hard for me to describe the sensation of seeing someone donate to a cause knowing there is virtually no form of reciprocation in it for them. Becoming involved in something selfless that benefits the masses is priceless. Not only can it boost your faith in humanity, but I also feel that it restores some good in each and every person involved. I am sure there are also numerous health benefits to donating to a charitable cause, don’t quote me on that. Now that supporting non-profits is easier than ever and considering the numerous therapeutic benefits of being an exceptional contributor to society with no intent of being rewarded, I can’t see why anyone wouldn’t want to start giving back. 

As they say on the Crowdrise website, “If you don’t give back no one will like you.”